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                Independent research

                service overview

                As a high-tech enterprise in Beijing, the company gradually increases its investment in R & D every year. In the past few years, the software products of the R & D center have been widely recognized by the market. By the end of 2013, 3 patents, 47 software copyrights and 14 software product registrations have been obtained. The R & D center adheres to the concept of CMMI management to provide highly mature, stable and high-quality software and software development, and obtained the CMMI3 software development maturity certification in December 2012.

                r & D concept
                • Orientation: Oriented by the business needs of customers

                • Business: expand ODM / OEM business and company's free brand R & D

                • Quality: to create high quality products for customers

                • Service: customer satisfaction as the purpose

                • R & D Strategy: people without me, people with me, people with me, people with new